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New Photographs
Mohammadreza Mirzaei - Solo Show

13 Jul - 31 Jul, 2018

New Photographs

In the photographs on display, Mirzaei emphasizes on light as the main material of photography in such a way that in some photos, the light instead of letting us see, puts a blindfold on our eyes, and the images in some cases, become the visual equivalent for “failure”. These photos remind us that photography is as much about capturing and obtaining as it is about letting go and losing. And of course, this is not far from the intimate relationship or the pretense of intimacy between the photographer and the models present in the photos. Just like the relationship between photography and the light, our relationship with other humans is followed by dependency and the likelihood of loss and failure.

In this show

Mohammadreza Mirzaei, Untitled, 2018, 0
2018 | Untitled

Mohammadreza Mirzaei

13 × 17.33cm

Mohammadreza Mirzaei, Untitled, 2018, 0
2018 | Untitled

Mohammadreza Mirzaei

13 × 17.33cm

Mohammadreza Mirzaei, Untitled, 2018, 0
2018 | Untitled

Mohammadreza Mirzaei

13 × 17.33cm
