اتصال اینترنت خود را بررسی کنید.
Group Show

29 Nov - 13 Dec, 2019


Some paintings deal with everlasting eternal time. All objects, scenes and even figures are stilled in eternal gestures. In contrast, there are paintings which are more embedded in time as a modern concept. "Instant" exhibition is about this second group. In some of these works, a tangible moment - sometimes traumatic - has been cut out of everyday reality, transforming a simple, earthly event into a lasting scene. In others, gestures and compositions are not the result of a deliberate predetermined scheme; rather they are the outcome of the struggle and interaction between painting's own forces. A more or less accidental color spot here demands a line in the other corner of the picture. Time is not a fragment of a movement anymore; it is an "instant" which is constructed.


Installation view
