اتصال اینترنت خود را بررسی کنید.
Form and Content
Group Show

13 Jul - 18 Jul, 2018

Form and Content

Media: Painting and calligraphy

The form is understood before the content and the content changes the form. Content can polish or destroy the form. A beautiful word with a beautiful form makes us ecstatic. As important as content, the form has two important meanings. It is possible to separate the content from the form and enjoy the word form without affecting the content, as it can be enjoyed without the form of the content of the words. Changing the form regardless of content or changing the form based on the content can reveal other aspects of the form and content of the words or by changing the form, the word content can be manipulated to create other meanings with exquisite forms for words. It is here that form and content with a poetic song approach the painting and place a narrow border between painting and writing.


  • -  Keyvan Nezam
  • -  Masoud Arani