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Something Blue
Group Show

1 Sep - 12 Sep, 2021

Something Blue

“The world is blue at its edges and in its depths,” Rebecca Solnit Many have contemplated the universe of blues, from Goethe to Virginia Wolf, from Wassily Kandisky to Georgia O’Keefe, artists, poets, writers, philosophers, all explored blue’s tentacled reach into universal questions of desire and yearning, excitement and repose, sympathy and obsession, melancholy and solitude. "Something Blue" presents a palette of blues spread across Gallery 7. Hues of blue come alive in this vibrant selection of paintings, sculptures, and photographs by 8 artists from across the globe. What emerges is a celebration of the rarest in nature and symphonic of the colors, a hue that transcends to an experience, an incantation, an incarnation of the most whimsical and exceptional heights of the imagination.


In this show

Moje Assefjah,  Azzurro, 2020, 0
2020 | Azzurro

Moje Assefjah

180 × 140cm
