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Amino Acids
Vahid Chamani - Solo Show

13 Aug - 3 Sep, 2021

Amino Acids

The present collection is unexpectedly designated to distinguish Vahid Chamani's characters from the background of his artworks. It means there's no atmosphere containing or conveying any content in these pictures and paintings are solely aimed at and also limited to human or human motifs. Hence, elements tend to contain meaning and identity in themselves and on their own. It can be said that Chamani has taken his mind on a promenade on pieces of paper. Spaceless and timeless, this is how his creatures are abandoned in the middle of nothingness, alone, together, slaughtered, sick, anxious, untented, savage, beloved, laughing and so forth. It seems that "amino acids" appear from a blinding whiteness to be, more than anything else, a representation of our compulsory vagabondage throughout history.

In this show

Vahid Chamani, Amino Acid, 2020, 0
2020 | Amino Acid

Vahid Chamani

50 × 35cm

Vahid Chamani, Amino Acid, 2019, 0
2019 | Amino Acid

Vahid Chamani

35 × 50cm

Vahid Chamani, Amino Acid, 2019, 0
2019 | Amino Acid

Vahid Chamani

35 × 25cm

Vahid Chamani, Amino Acid, 2019, 0
2019 | Amino Acid

Vahid Chamani

35 × 25cm
