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Art Affects: The Artist's Body
Group Show

3 days to the ending

9 Sep - 22 Sep, 2024

Art Affects: The Artist’s Body” considers the body as both a tool of creation and a subject of art. Historically, the female body has been represented through the male gaze. ///

This exhibition reclaims the gaze and presents the female artist’s body from her perspective, emphasizing self-representation, self-empowerment, and the emotional as well as social, political, and economic contexts that influence artistic creation.

The four featured artists face unique challenges that impact their work and visibility in both Tehran and Berlin. Social conventions, political restrictions and unrest, economic barriers, and otherness often limit their freedom of expression and access to resources.Despite these challenges, they continue to create powerful art that speaks to their experiences and aspirations.

Exploration and representation as empowerment is a central theme of the exhibition, with each of the four artists asserting their own unique narrative of the female body and identity.

Confronting the male gaze and challenging traditional modes of representation, expressing anger and dissent, exploring pain, connecting with the non-human in nature, and moving the body into abstraction, they share their artistic experiences, thoughts, and emotions.

Their work places the woman and the artist at the center, redefining how they and their (self-)representations are viewed and appreciated.

The exhibition takes place at Mohit Art Space from 9 September to 22 September (September 16 through 22 by appointment) and is held online from September 9 to 13 October.

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In this show

Azar Pajuhande, Petrichor, 2022, 0
2022 | Petrichor

Azar Pajuhande

19 × 18 × 8.6cm

Azar Pajuhande, Life is Hard, 2022, 0
2022 | Life is Hard

Azar Pajuhande

30 × 22 × 10cm

Pooneh Oshidari, Self-Portrait, 2024, 0
2024 | Self-Portrait

Pooneh Oshidari

24 × 17.5cm

Pooneh Oshidari, Self-portrait, 2024, 0
2024 | Self-portrait

Pooneh Oshidari

24 × 17.5cm

Mahsa Mohammadi, Untitled, 2024, 0
2024 | Untitled

Mahsa Mohammadi

40 × 29cm

Mahsa Mohammadi, Untitled, 2024, 0
2024 | Untitled

Mahsa Mohammadi

40 × 29cm

Nasim Goli, Untitled, 2022, 0
2022 | Untitled

Nasim Goli

50 × 30cm

Nasim Goli, Untitled, 2023, 0
2023 | Untitled

Nasim Goli

22 × 22cm
