Akram Mahmoudi
9 Aug - 23 Aug, 2024
The small Christ becomes more yellow and suddenly shines among the browns, a bowl fills with shadows, and a dry leaf comes to life with a little light.
Is this the same glass from which one can drink water? Or why is this bowl too sullen to place fruit in? Whatever it is, these changes create small, unknown desires, inviting one to sit and discover, and the time for painting and mixing colors slowly begins.
Painting is always behind observation, and I try to capture this strange coexistence between light and time, color and the world of objects. What is present in these paintings and this exhibition is an invitation to see them again but at a slower pace than usual.
Akram Mahmoudi 2024
In this show
Akram Mahmoudi
Akram Mahmoudi
Akram Mahmoudi
Akram Mahmoudi
Akram Mahmoudi