اتصال اینترنت خود را بررسی کنید.
Living Creature

Anita Hashemi Moghadam

- Solo Show

26 Apr - 17 May, 2024

Living Creature


Everyone is afraid of death; I dread my own unremitting life.

How dreadful it is when death does not want you and repulses you.

From "Buried Alive"

by Sadegh Hedayat

In this show

Anita Hashemi Moghadam, Living Creature, 2023, 0
2023 | Living Creature

Anita Hashemi Moghadam

100 × 70cm

Anita Hashemi Moghadam, Living Creature, 2023, 0
2023 | Living Creature

Anita Hashemi Moghadam

100 × 70cm

Anita Hashemi Moghadam, Rupture, 2023, 0
2023 | Rupture

Anita Hashemi Moghadam

13 × 19.6cm

Installation view
