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A Memorial was Observed; Forgotten Time
Mehrdad Mirzaie and Maryam Amirvaghefi

26 Jan - 3 Feb, 2024

A Memorial was Observed; Forgotten Time


Step Gallery at Arizona State University is pleased to present "A Memorial was Observed; Forgotten Time," a two-person exhibition featuring the collaboration of Mehrdad Mirzaie and Maryam Amirvaghefi. The exhibition will run from Jan. 26 to Feb. 3, 2024.///

“A Memorial was Observed; Forgotten Time” is based on Mehrdad Mirzaei and Maryam Amirvaghefi's collaborative experience as artists who were born and connected to the region known as Iran. Geography is not the only way of bringing these individuals together, but it's a convenient one. Each artist wrestles individually with memories and historical images to create a new narrative. The exhibition stands as a testament to their collective exploration of identity and the profound impact of personal and cultural history.

Maryam Amirvaghefi, born in Tehran, Iran, is a mixed-media artist with works spanning painting, video art, and sculpture. Currently serving as the Assistant Director of Exhibitions and Instructor at the University of Arkansas School Of Art, she brings a wealth of experience to both her studio practice and curation endeavors.

Mehrdad Mirzaie, a multidisciplinary artist, focuses on image-based mediums, particularly reinterpreting historical imagery. His practice explores the potency of images as conduits for historical narratives. Currently pursuing an MFA in photography at Arizona State University, Mirzaie continues his exploration of the intricate relationship between history and storytelling.

The exhibition is an exploration of cultural identity, memory, and storytelling through the lens of two artists deeply connected to the region.


Installation view
