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Reset Factory

Amin Parvin

- Solo Show

27 Oct - 17 Nov, 2023

Reset Factory

This exhibition embodies nonexistent yet potentially tangible phenomena. Implicitly, a concealed dynamism resides within all things, poised for animation. My puppetry expertise uncovers these latent possibilities, complemented by my proficiency in live arts. This amalgamation materializes in embodiment, performativity, characterization, and fantasy.The showcased videos and video installations stem from a whimsical dialogue with my surroundings.

This passive/ aggressive interaction, humorously and ironically critiques while reshaping both my identity and the environment. Does my body define the heater pipes’ identity? Or does the dynamo define mine? Could we be a singular entity? Do machines propel movement, or are people the gears?

Amin Parvin

Installation view
