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Mahtab Aliabadi

- Solo Show

16 Sep - 21 Sep, 2022



Many events may prevent the important and desired thing from happening, nothing can be predicted or planned at least. when there is something called “luck” in life, may it be a blessing to all the worlds, emotions, frameworks and current logic, must have covered a large volume of life. And hasn’t it happend while waiting for the same thing that we are waiting for a second later? An expectation at the root or gives a new birth to their potential existence!

I have painted the “interruption” series in the days when I was aware of their hardships and wanted to fight. This collection is derived from almost 100 paper and cardboard works. which are worked with acrylic and rapid materials, and because of the slats of the works, it has a specific purpose. The porpuse of Lett’s performance in these works is to show a short pause between life and death, which is imposed on a human being due to the hardship of “waiting”.

Out of 100 existing works, 26 selected works have been displayed in this exhibition, which often have a surrealist approach.

Installation view
