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Wind of Hope
Group Show

8 Mar - 2 Apr, 2022

In 2019, Jean-François Ravagnan travels the Iranian roads and discovers a country through the lens of his camera and a collection of the poetess A. Laila. Guided by his poems, he glimpses Iran with its contradictions, its pains and its hopes. Immobilized by the Covid-19 pandemic, the photographer begins to develop his shots and shares them with the author. A correspondence is built between them in a singular dialogue where words and images slowly create the portrait of an Iranian society without naming it. In Persian, Bâd-e Sabâ represents a gentle, cool spring wind from the north that brings prosperity and fulfillment with it. It evokes a necessary renewal and inspires this hybrid project between poetic literature and documentary photography.


  • -  Maryam Kamyab