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Anahita Akhavan's Artworks
Anahita Akhavan - Solo Show

10 Mar - 2 Apr, 2022

United Contemporary is thrilled to present Re-entrant, the inaugural exhibition by Iranian-born painter, Anahita Akhavan. Based in Toronto, Akhavan’s use of geometry is derived from personal nostalgia, interpreting Islamic tapestry and architecture through her bold canvases and a rich intuitive colour palette. With a focus on traditional abstract points used in secular and religious storytelling, Re-entrant borrows its title from the Anatolia prayer rug key-hole motif, a simple lock shape characterized by weavers to represent a oneness with God. Arranging these familiar forms into contemporary compositions, like puzzle pieces to create new meaning, Akhavan’s practice continues an ongoing exploration into geometry as a means of expression for the various concepts that inhabit her work./// Inspired by the Shadirvan and Persian fountains, that act both as functional and monuments of worship, Akhavan uses repetition of ornamental form in order to find a sense of harmony through predictability. Furthering her visual language through an advanced use of colour theory, Akhavan has a keen interest in depth, which is achieved by pushing and pulling layers of paint. Griding is traditionally used to enlarge an image, and is a technique adopted by the artist to create circular forms (similar to the practice used in tapestry). Circles can become crescents or triangles for instance, in that they contain other shapes.

In this show

Anahita Akhavan, Fountain, 2021, 0
2021 | Fountain

Anahita Akhavan

121.92 × 91.44cm

Anahita Akhavan, Gereh, 2021, 0
2021 | Gereh

Anahita Akhavan

121.92 × 91.44cm

Anahita Akhavan, Golnar, 2021, 0
2021 | Golnar

Anahita Akhavan

121.92 × 91.44cm

Anahita Akhavan, My Colorful Meyhem II, 2021, 0
2021 | My Colorful Meyhem II

Anahita Akhavan

60.96 × 45.72cm

Anahita Akhavan, Ãbi ba Narenji, 2022, 0
2022 | Ãbi ba Narenji

Anahita Akhavan

167.64 × 213.36cm

Anahita Akhavan, Ghermez I, 2022, 0
2022 | Ghermez I

Anahita Akhavan

152.4 × 121.92cm

Anahita Akhavan, Bagh e Ãbi , 2022, 0
2022 | Bagh e Ãbi

Anahita Akhavan

152.4 × 121.92cm

Anahita Akhavan, Ghermez 2, 2022, 0
2022 | Ghermez 2

Anahita Akhavan

152.4 × 121.92cm

Anahita Akhavan, Kaman, 2022, 0
2022 | Kaman

Anahita Akhavan

152.4 × 121.92cm

Installation view
