Horror Vacui, a group exhibition organized by Amir H. Fallah and Mark Schoening, will take place at Toa Presents from 21th of January to 26th of Februrary .
Translated from Latin as the “fear of empty space,” the term Horror Vacui first became associated with art and design when Italian critic Mario Praz used it to address the Victorian-era obsession with visual clutter. Within contemporary visual art, it names an artist’s compulsion to load the entirety of a picture plane with detail. In the act of leaving nothing vacant, our fear of vacancy is put to rest.///
Yet what we choose to fill space with can appear vastly different from wall to wall, edge to edge. While artists in the exhibition are tethered to a shared language of pattern and color, each diverges into their own dialect. Spanning arabesque tessellations, uncanny tableaus and optical illusions, the works in Horror Vacui challenge our visual perception, reminding us of how fickle the eye can be.
Curator: Amir H. Fallah - Mark Schoening