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Museum of Kamalolmolk School
permanent museum
Museum of Kamalolmolk School

This museum opened on the 15th of July 2013 through a cooperation between "Organization of Tehran Beautification" and "Cultural Deputy of University of Tehran" at Negarestan Garden of Tehran University. In this museum, the school of Kamal-ol-molk and Tehran's painting are being studied and works of Kamal-ol-Molk and two generations of his students are exhibited to the public.

The museum is closed on Mondays, but it is possible to visit other spaces and facilities. The garden complex of the Negarestan Museum is closed during mourning days.

Working hours: 09:00 am-03:00 pm

Working days: Tuesday - Sunday Off days: Monday

News and Articles

Kalantari: The School of Kamal-ol-molk was a Good Happening for Iran's Art

Kalantari: The School of Kamal-ol-molk was a Good Happening for Iran's Art

Iranian painter "Parviz Kalantari": Many people of my generation believe that Kamal-ol-molk ignored the movement of impressionist art during his trip to Europe, but this claim is unfair. Because what he saw in Europe was a realistic look to art that was very important. These beliefs are now old-fashioned and honestly speaking the school of Kamal al-Malek was a good happening for Iranian art.

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