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Bank and Sparekassemuseet
Bank and Sparekassemuseet

A visit to the Bank and Savings Bank Museum is a look into 19th-century banking. The museum gives you an insight into a time when banks became more and more important in the Danish and international financial world. You are invited inside Privatbanken's first director C.F. Tietgen's office, where you can get to know one of Denmark's most important financiers better. With original objects from the 19th century, the museum presents the banking industry and the life and work of the banker.

Working Hours from 28 January - 8 December 2024: Wednesday at 10-17 Sunday at 10-16 But not public holidays

Working hours: 10:00 am-04:00 pm

Working days: Wednesday - Sunday Off days: Monday - Tuesday

Past Shows

Group Show Kunsten At Investere
Bank and Sparekassemuseet
26 Jan - 3 Dec, 2023
