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Revelation in the Darkroom
Nasser Bakhshi - Solo Show

56 days to the ending

1 May - 21 Sep, 2024

Nasser Bakhshi- Solo Show


The present project has been developed using the visual archive of a entomologist from Tabriz and the collection of Nasser Bakhshi.

It aims to depict the viewer being placed or positioned in a situation that is relevant to contemporary human. Placing the human on a path where their expectations are met.

The human performs what they desire on the path of their own transformation, and this path is the starting point that is considered for them.

A path that traverses the struggles of contradictions and finds meaning in the control of the powers that shape it. And both intellectually and physically, the human position is destined for global centrality.

This project includes codes to understand the human in the specified situation. The body is an observer of the world it inhabits.

Installation view
