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Printed Matter's 2022 NY Art Book Fair

Printed Matter is a leading global non-profit organization dedicated to publishing, understanding, and supporting artists' books and related publications. Printed Matter's NY Art Book Fair 2022 will take place in the first place of NYABF from October 13 to 16, 2022.

This fair aims to increase support for artists, publishers, and emerging art societies while creating a place to explore, dialogue, and learn artist books.

Returning to an in-person exhibition on a small scale is intended to introduce beginner and emerging publishers. The organization also held a virtual exhibition and monitored interdisciplinary programs over the past two years. Book-related topics covered by Printed Matter include artist books, catalogs, monographs, periodicals, magazines, and other allied topics.

This year a reduction in the size of the exhibition to be held at the new location will result in the introduction of 160 exhibitors along with special programs and projects. Considering this, applicants are urged to provide detailed explanations of their reasons for participating in the exhibition, emphasizing their new work and/or existing work. All applicants are encouraged to express an enthusiastic desire to participate. First-time exhibitors are welcome to participate in the exhibition.

As part of NYABF 2022, the Shannon Michael Cane Award will be presented to four publishers at the beginning of their careers in the field of publication. A new grant will also be provided to BIPOC artists and publishers to distribute resources to all groups as part of this initiative and to showcase the work of this group.
