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London Art Fair 2022

Author : Nafiseh Saleh Abadi

Reading Time : 2 Minutes

The 34th edition of the London Art Fair started on April 20 and will continue until April 24. The event is taking place in the Business Design Centre located in the heart of Islington. Different galleries from 100 countries are participating in this art fair; modern and contemporary artworks, from prints to the most significant works of the 20th-century artists are showcased at this event. Different programs of the art fair include conversations, art projects, displaying the artworks, etc. We will go over each one briefly:  

Source: «londonartfair.co.uk»


Art Projects:  

This section offers a new viewpoint on the most recent approaches in the contemporary art field which include large-scale installations, solo performances, and theme-based group shows which are admitted by acclaimed art experts such as Pryle Behrman who is an art critic and a member of the art projects selection committee. The artworks' point of view is based on the revision of the future, therefore the artists at this show are exploring the inner side of themselves to look at their feelings, beliefs, and myths in another way. In this respect, they try  to answer this question: "How do individual artistic experiences become the opposite and also the reflection of other artists' experiences and how does the time overlapping help us to build our own conceptual world?"

The most significant art projects of this art fair include the following:  

  • A show by the Perve Gallery, a tribute to the Portuguese Surrealist artist Cruzeiro Seixas
  • Displaying John Abell's artwork in a solo booth  at the Arusha Gallery entitled "Horrorvacui" and Dunja Krcek's "Forest Blanket" at the Austrian Kunst ab Hinterhof Gallery made of patchwork fabrics


In this section, galleries are invited annually to present emerging artists' artworks with distinguished contents. The 2022 Platform at London Art Fair focuses on music and examines its vital role in contemporary visual arts. Nine Galleries have collaborated in this section to show the overlapping of visual arts and music by presenting artists' recent works and address the new aspects of movement and rhythm in contemporary art.

Source: «en.wikipedia.org»


The New Hall Art Collection:

London Art Fair 2022 welcomes the presented artworks at The New Hall Art Collection  including works by prominent female artists. Founded in 1986 with a piece by Mary Kelly, the collection includes more than 500 works by prominent international artists such as Tracey Emin, Judy Chicago, Maggi Hambling, etc. who are concentrating on myth-making and self-fashioning at this year's event.  

No Place Is an Island:  

British artists' works are presented in this section curated by Rodrigo Orrantia. Here an important theme in photography is addressed:  the idea that contemporary photography is not an isolated medium and that artists can choose photography as an expansive art activity and define its borders with other arts such as sculpture, motion pictures, and sound. The exhibition also celebrates ten important years in the Photo50 exhibition section, curated by Sue Steward. "No Place Is an Island" is a reference to Sue Stuart's work and tries to showcase the evolution of photography during the recent decade by examining her works.

London Art Fair's Conversation Schedule:  

Art and technology, art and music, and current photography topics are the addressed subjects in these conversations. The online conversations schedule includes presenting topics related to new ways to improve the art world atmosphere, fight against money laundering, etc. which provides an opportunity to examine the showcased artworks more profoundly. The conversations start on  Wednesday, March 2, and continue until April 13.
