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Arghavan Khosravi's Solo Show in in "Konig Galerie"

Author : Soheila Habibi

Reading Time : 2 Minutes

The new show of Arghavan Khosravi entitled "Truth Be Told" has been held from January 14 and will continue until February 20 in "Konig Galerie". She showcases 11 new mixed-media works in this show. Every work is based on painting, but a range of materials including wood, thread, rope, etc, are used in the construction. In this show, the artist has created works that have a variety of surfaces to accomplish her goals. accordingly, the works are volumetric. 

The main theme of the presented works relates to the oppression of women in patriarchal societies. It seems that the women depicted in most of the works are imprisoned and they can't escape from the current situation. This is mainly due to men's ignorance that created these complex conditions for women. Arghavan Khosravi has been inspired by miniature paintings in creating the works of these shows and has used numerous elements of it in her paintings. The depicted Black ropes in these works have encircled the women, creating a symbolic situation. Golden strings appear in some of the works and shine like a light on women, or even women hold them as lights and illuminate the space. These actions symbolize this group's efforts to overcome the difficult circumstances they have been forced to deal with by others. Many of the symbols in these works refer to themes such as controlling individuals by imposing religion on them. A woman holding a book symbolizes gaining awareness to end undue discrimination. The contradictions she creates, according to Khosravi, are meant to increase the audience's understanding of her work. It is interesting to note that these works use very vibrant colors, which is opposite to their theme. 

Arghavan Khosravi was born in 1984 in Iran. In 2009, she received his master's degree from the Faculty of Fine Arts, University of Tehran. While in Iran, she worked for ten years as a graphic designer, and after emigration, she received his master's degree in painting from the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD).

