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Middle East Artists' Group Show at Fine Arts Center Gallery

Reading Time : 2 Minutes

The group show entitled "Foresight Prevents Blindness" curated by the Arkansas-based artist and curator Maryam Amirvaghefi hold from January 20 to February 27, 2022, at Fine Arts Center Gallery located at the University of Arkansas. This group show presents artworks of Middle East-born or related artists who look at problems related to this geographical area from a unique perspective, which includes cultural history, cultural bias, gender stereotypes, and the concept of identity. Wafaa Bilal, Yasmine Diaz, Amir. H Fallah, Alia Farid, Jordan Nassar, and Sheida Soleimani participate in this event. 

Amir.H Fallah uses global elements to explore belonging and otherness, including patterns, Persian miniatures, classical paintings from Europe, and American visual culture. The artworks of Sheida soleimani represent both her artistic and political activities.

By satirizing news from the East and the West, her photographic work captures the geopolitics of the Middle East. With its visual sources derived from popular media and its adaptation to alternative scenarios, Soleimani's works are easily comparable with other art movements that emerged during other times of crisis (Dada, communication aesthetics, Identity politics).


Source of images:

  • www.fnargallery.com