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Oslo Biennalen
Oslo Biennale

25 May, 2019 - 25 May, 2024

Oslo Biennalen

osloBIENNALEN is a new format for a biennial in public space: a five-year evolving programme that unfolds over time across the city, inviting active participation with a public programme of workshops, readings, concerts, symposia, and performances.

Visitor Information

Open Days: 25 May 2019 to 25 May 2024 The osloBIENNALEN programme will open to the public on the weekend of 25/26th May 2019 with the first set of works and projects, complemented by a series of symposia, talks and public programmes. In October 2019, the second set of projects will be launched.

osloBIENNALEN is initiated and financed by the City of Oslo, Agency for Cultural Affairs, Norway. All activities are open to the public and free of charge.


Myntgata 2

Myntgata 2

Located in the historical centre of Oslo, the Myntgata 2 building acts as the Biennial’s headquarters, housing a visitor centre and offices, as well as some of the biennial’s public projects and programming.

visit website

News and Articles
