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Bruges 2024
Bruges Triennale

36 days to the ending

13 Apr - 1 Sep, 2024

Bruges 2024

With Spaces of Possibility, the Bruges Triennial 2024 takes a closer look at Bruges and its public space: which places are underutilized today? How can we maximize the city within its boundaries by using space in a different way?///

For this fourth edition, Triennial Bruges: Spaces of Possibility looks for the city's dormant potential. How can a UNESCO-protected historic city, where preservation is central, deal with concepts such as change and sustainability, and how can contemporary art and architecture create a new framework for this.

Twelve international artists and architects have been invited to the Bruges Triennial 2024 to think about the city of tomorrow. Using temporary art and architectural interventions, they reflect on new forms of (re)use.

Visitor Information

Open days: April 13 - September 1, 2024 All works are exhibited in public space.

News and Articles
