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Important September Big Art Sale
MorningStar eArt Group | Cary





Auction date : 17 Sep 2022

MorningStar eArt Group

MorningStar eArt Group holds an auction for Western and Asian works of art on 17 September 2022. The auction house cooperates with galleries and antique dealers for this sale, and it features artworks by the artists such as Banksy, Gertrude Abercrombie, Lê Phổ, Natalia Goncharova, and Chinese scroll paintings and manuscripts.

MorningStar eArt Group is a newly founded auction house in North Carolina, America, which features items in different categories such as fine art, Asian art and antiques, jewelry, luxury, and antiques.

Three paintings by Manoucher Yektai, the Iranian artist, are featured in this auction.

Artworks by Iranians

Manoucher Yektai
Manoucher Yektai

Lot 26

1975 | Still Life of Flowers

pastel on paper

107 × 131cm

Est: 4,000 - 8,000$


Manoucher Yektai
Manoucher Yektai

Lot 27

1975 | Still Life of Flower

pastel on paper

107 × 131cm

Est: 4,000 - 8,000$


Manoucher Yektai
Manoucher Yektai

Lot 28

1977 | Still Life of Flower

pastel on paper

105 × 130cm

Est: 4,000 - 8,000$


Previous Highlights

  • Manoucher Yektai 23 Jul 2022

    1977 | Still Life of Flowers 107 × 131 cm pastel on paper

    Lot: 22 Estimate: 4,000 - 8,000$ Hammer price: 8,000$