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Photo Basel 2024
Photo Basel

11 Jun - 16 Jun, 2024

Photo Basel 2024

Photo Basel is a relatively new art fair that takes place each June during the famed Art Basel. It is Switzerland's first fair solely dedicated to photography.

Photo Basel brings together galleries from around the world in a unique, authentic setting. For its collectors, visitors or buyers, the fair is an active platform which fosters the dialog between all actors of the photography community and beyond.

Photo Basel strives to include and combine galleries that are young as well as those that are renowned, Swiss exhibitors as well as international ones, those with a bold contemporary program as well as others with strong historic positions.

Poster: Paul Cupido

In this show

, Hannah Schemel, 128, 2021, 72140
2021 | 128

Hannah Schemel

36 × 8cm

Galerija Fotografija

, Raed Bawayah, The Darkness of the Light, 2021, 72139
2021 | The Darkness of the Light

Raed Bawayah

Form Gallery

, Danielle Kwaaitaal, Astrantia, 2024, 72138
2024 | Astrantia

Danielle Kwaaitaal

100 × 67cm


, Anna Halem Schudel, Anemonen, 2023, 72040
2023 | Anemonen

Anna Halem Schudel

Galerie Monika Wertheimer

, Hayley Eichenbaum, San Bernardino, 2015, 72039
2015 | San Bernardino

Hayley Eichenbaum

60 × 80cm

Homecoming Gallery

, Anna Lim, Untitled, 2024, 72038
2024 | Untitled

Anna Lim

An Inc

, Diego Moreno, Untitled, 2023, 72037
2023 | Untitled

Diego Moreno

100 × 100cm

Galerie De Arte

, Lee-Ann Olwage, The Right to Play, 2022, 72036
2022 | The Right to Play

Lee-Ann Olwage

The Bridge Gallery

, Stefania Beretta, My Trees, 2024, 72035
2024 | My Trees

Stefania Beretta

Galerie Monika Wertheimer

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