25 Apr - 28 Apr, 2024
From 25 – 28 April 2024, during the Berlin Gallery Weekend, the eighth edition of Paper Positions Berlin presents 60 international galleries from 11 countries with their outstanding positions from contemporary and modern art with a focus on drawing and the material paper.
The galleries and their artists are given a presentation opportunity, which is dedicated to the subject of drawing and the medium of paper with all its specific features, its fragility and its enormous versatility. In the spirit of its fair concept, which refrains from classic booths and is completely tailor-made for the most sensitive exhibits, Paper Positions Berlin deliberately focuses on a salon-like situation.
The limited number of exhibitors also underlines the character of a large theme-based exhibition. The spatial design offers an open overview as well as the possibility to directly approach individual artistic works and to perceive them in a mutual dialogue.
Poster: Eden Nael Liedtke
Visitor Information
VIP Viewing: 25 April Public Viewing: 26-28 April Address: 33 a-c | Deutsche Telekom capital city representative office | Franzoesische street | Berlin
In this show
Bodix. Contemporary
David Eager Maher
Jarmushek And Partner Gallery
Angela Stauber
Augsburg Contemporary
Rozbeh Asmani
Galerie Wener Klein
Rozbeh Asmani
Galerie Wener Klein