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Art Paris 2020 | September
Art Paris

10 Sep - 13 Sep, 2020

Art Paris 2020 | September

Art Paris, the spring art fair that was postponed and reinvented as a virtual online art fair, will be returning to the Grand Palais from the 10th to the 13th of September.

News and Articles

What not to miss as Art Paris opens in the Grand Palais

What not to miss as Art Paris opens in the Grand Palais

For many, 2020 has been a year of firsts. For Guillaume Piens, director of Art Paris, it’s been something like Groundhog Day. Arrangements for the city’s springtime contemporary art fair at the Grand Palais were almost complete when coronavirus struck. A digital edition was duly arranged for May. Now, Piens is busy preparing the fair for a third time.

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