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Inspire Writing
Group Show

4 May, 2023 - 4 May, 2024

Inspire Writing


The temporary group exhibition titled "Inspire Writing" presents an immersive experience and a journey of discovery through the past, present, and future of writing. It explores the art of handwriting as an influential element in the visual arts.///

The exhibition features two of Nasseri's painted steel sculptures from 2019, titled "Keepers II" (Blue) and "Keeper III" (Yellow), which are displayed in the outside gardens of the exhibition space. Additionally, Nasseri's 2018 work "The Order of Everything" can be found inside in the main exhibition space.

In celebrating the birthday of its "Haus" initiative, Montblanc invites established German-Iranian artist Timo Nasseri to be part of a group of selected artists connected through Salondergegenwart, a non-profit Hamburg organization that aims to support creative minds in the German art scene while also providing newcomers with the opportunity to exhibit their works alongside established international artists like Nasseri.


Installation view
